Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Praise Our Mighty God!

Carlos had a rough weekend. I spent the night at the hospital on Sunday and my son, Adam, Abril and I check on him all through the night.

There was nothing wrong. Nothing had changed except his night nurse for the past two nights had given him extra morphine so that she could watch television.

We had to report it to the physician the following day because he didn't want to move Carlos to a room by himself because he seemed so lethargic after having been so alert and awake on Friday and Saturday.

This was so disappointing!

I am not at the hospital today, but I am hoping for a good report.

Update!!! I just got a call from Abril saying that the doctors have reported that the vasospasm danger had ended!!! Hooray!! Hopefully they will be moving Carlos to a regular room either tonight or tomorrow! PRAISE THE LORD! He is so mighty! So Good! So Faithful!

Please continue to pray for Carlos' speech to co
me forth.

On a totally different note, I wanted to post today about a wonderful family! The Lovelaces!

I am going to try to put a button on my site in order for you to find them with ease. And you will want to find them again and again!

The Lovelaces have ten (yes, I said ten!) children and they are all jewels. You can read more about their experiences with their children here.

Ken has been a missionary and a pastor for years. His devotionals can be found here.

Ken also has a handy man business that you might like to check out here.

This lovely family has been such a personal blessings to me and mine. They strive for Godliness in all that they do. The testimony to their neighbors has been a continual blessing to watch.

Ken has been without employment for over a year now. The LORD has been truly faithful to meet every need, but I would so appreciate your checking out their website and passing their site on to others who may have needs, both physical and spiritual.

Please take the time to visit. You will truly find a new friend, especially in time of need!

1 comment:

  1. wonderful news about Carlos! I am working on a prayer page for my blog, RObin. I feel like the Lord called me to be a prayer warrior and edie at rich gifts is helping me out. When it finished - probably this weekend, i will let you know. You can help spread the word. It will be a place for people to leave prayer requests that I will take to the throne!

    In Him,
