Tuesday, May 6, 2008

He's Always On Time

I am usually on time. I can get to an appointment without too much scramble, but I certainly have days when nothing goes right and I am frustrated or even embarrassed by my lateness or forgetfulness. I was so blown away by the Lord yesterday. Change is coming to our family. We are opening our home for church in April. This is exciting, but change can be scary to others. Perhaps they don't understand what you feel the Lord is calling you to or perhaps having a vision outside the box just doesn't compute. Perhaps you, too, have experienced this reaction when you began to tell people that you were going to homeschool. I know I did. Anyway, when the pressure is on, sometimes I second guess my decision and begin to wonder if I really heard from the Lord. Yesterday, I got a devotional from a newletter group that I subscribe to and was totally amazed. The jist of the devotion was that sometimes, even if we have heard rightly from God, it will be questioned, judged, and even condemned by others. God is still on the throne. He is still in control. He will never leave or forsake us. He wants our ultimate best. Reading that devotion was wonderful. He is always on time!

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